The Second-Order Cone Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem

Luís M. Fernandes, Masao Fukushima, Joaquim J. Júdice, Hanif D. Sherali


The Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem (EiCP) differs from the traditional eigenvalue problem in that the primal and dual variables belong to a closed and convex cone K and its dual, respectively, and satisfy a complementarity condition. In this paper we investigate the solution of the Second-Order Cone EiCP (SOCEiCP) where K is the Lorentz cone. We first show that the SOCEiCP reduces to a special Variational Inequality Problem on a compact set defined by K and a normalization constraint. This guarantees that SOCEiCP has at least one solution, and a new enumerative algorithm is introduced for finding a solution to this problem. The method is based on finding a global minimum of an appropriate nonlinear programming formulation NLP of the SOCEiCP using a special branching scheme along with a local nonlinear optimizer that computes stationary points on subsets of the feasible region of NLP associated with the nodes generated by the algorithm. A semi-smooth Newton’s method is combined with this enumerative algorithm to enhance its numerical performance. Our computational experience illustrates the efficacy of the proposed techniques in practice.