On the Computation of All Eigenvalues for the Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem

Luís M. Fernandes, Joaquim J. Júdice, Hanif D. Sherali, Masao Fukushima


In this paper, a parametric algorithm is introduced for computing all eigenvalues for two Eigenvalue Complementarity Problems discussed in the literature. The algorithm searches a finite number of nested intervals [l, u] in such a way that, in each iteration, either an eigenvalue is computed in [l, u] or a certificate of nonexistence of an eigenvalue in [l, u] is provided. A hybrid method that combines an enumerative method [5] and a semi-smooth algorithm [1] is discussed for dealing with the Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem over an interval [ l, u]. Computational experience is presented to illustrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed techniques.

Keywords: Eigenvalue Problems, Complementarity Problems, Nonlinear Programming, Global Optimization.