On an enumerative algorithm for solving eigenvalue complementarity problems
Luís M. Fernandes, Joaquim J. Júdice, Hanif D. Sherali and Maria A. Forjaz
this paper, we discuss the solution of linear and quadratic eigenvalue
complementarity problems (EiCPs) using an enumerative algorithm of the
type introduced by Júdice et al. [1]. Procedures for computing the
interval that contains all the eigenvalues of the linear EiCP are first
presented. A nonlinear programming (NLP) model for the quadratic EiCP
is formulated next, and a necessary and sufficient condition for a
stationary point of the NLP to be a solution of the quadratic EiCP is
established. An extension of the enumerative algorithm for the
quadratic EiCP is also developed, which solves this problem by
computing a global minimum for the NLP formulation. Some computational
experience is presented to highlight the efficiency and efficacy of the
proposed enumerative algorithm for solving linear and quadratic EiCPs.